

英 [kənˈdjuːsɪz]

v.  导致;有益,有贡献于


  • Cytotoxicity and Mutagenicity of Tea Containing High Content of Fluoride Catastrophe and gradual changing are all consist in sports teaching system, gradual changing conduces catastrophe and catastrophe conduces creativity in sports teaching system.
  • Based on the analysis of organizational knowledge chain and its characters, it expatiates on the mechanism of knowledge sharing in the process of organization networking, and points out some path for designing organization culture, which conduces to share knowledge.
  • Dynamic observation of platelet parameters changes of COPD patients possibly conduces to early diagnosis of COPD with thromboembolic disease.
  • Therefore, it is useful to measure and evaluate individual tacit knowledge stock reasonably, considering that it conduces to employee motivation and improving organizational innovation competence.
  • It produces the effect on the dynamic system of moral development of the individual, governs the process and level of moral development and conduces the enhancement of the subjectivity of the moral subject.
  • Physical training conduces to good health.
  • Cooperation between China and Europe in responding to these challenges not only serves the interests of both sides, but also conduces to international peace, stability and development.
  • To study the expression and regulation of the fucosyltransferase, which not only conduces to study the mechanism of oligosaccharides in the process of tumor, proliferation; it may also serve as a new approach for further understanding mechanism of LeY on inhibiting cancer proliferation.
  • Discussion and compromise underlines the operation of deliberative justice while procedural protection conduces to establishing its institutional framework.
  • Solution to fitness affects c and efficiency of Genetic Algorithm ( GA). Research on such problem conduces to develop multi-objective optimization problem.