

(deterioration 的复数) n. 恶化, 衰退, 退化
[医] 变坏, 变质, 颓废, 衰退



  • After entering the aging period, the geometrical, physical, mechanical, hydraulic, thermal, chemical and other properties of dams would deteriorate with growth of dam age and those deteriorations would affect the longevity and safety of dams.
  • The crankshaft torsional vibration not only affects the fatigue strength of crankshafts, but also is relative to many other failures and performance deteriorations of ICE.
  • After the crisis, the picture changed, with huge ( and unexpected) deteriorations in the fiscal positions of Ireland, Portugal and Spain ( though not Italy).
  • The huge fiscal deteriorations in the UK ( and US) and the huge declines in manufactured output and exports in Germany and Japan are two sides of one coin.
  • Moisture damage is the most common failure in asphalt pavement during its serviceable period. The deteriorations of asphalt pavement caused by moisture have been exhausted huge manpower and materials.
  • ? Discussions were made on various concrete deteriorations including chloride induced corrosion, freeze thaw attach Sulfate attack, carbonation induced corrosion, alkali aggregate reaction and delayed ettringite formation.
  • In this paper, by way of specific examples, the inspection and assessment tests of the overall old highway arch bridge are presented, the causes leading to the deteriorations in the bridge are analyzed and proposals for repairing and strengthening of the bridge are made.
  • Early age cracking caused by shrinkage is an important reason for the deteriorations of cement-based materials and reduction of volume stability.
  • Cover concrete is the most important defensive layer of reinforcement concrete structure to resist environmental deteriorations.
  • This article argues that the tiger calamities related not only to the environmental deteriorations caused by excessive cultivations, but also to the serious destructions of society caused by war.