

英 [ɪnˈdjuːɪŋ]

v.  赋予;授予


  • At first, we make the space of distribution functions of random variables a distance space after enduing it a proper distance, then making it a complete distance space.
  • As to the symbolizing ways, this article starts from plane, space and entity carrier to conclude five expression ways& contrasting, enduing, reducing, metamorphosing and evolving.
  • With enduing traditional optical transport network with unprecedented flexibility and expansibility, ASON ( Automatically Switched Optical Network) represented the future direction of next generation optical networks.
  • While naturalists take the idea that human-made law possesses the just disposition of natural law as an argument to champion city-state law strongly, tragedians find conflicts between positive law and natural law, thereby enduing natural law with moral connotation for the first time.
  • Here a method enduing a matrix to each maximal outerplanar graph of order n is proposed to decide whether graphs are isomorphic, and it is proved that the matrix and the maximal outerplanar are one to one.
  • According to the situation of China, while enduing with the power of issuing the bond, the local government can issue the bond after being authorized by the central government.
  • The issue of enduing the procuratorial organ with prosecution right in public service lawsuit is still a controversy in the theory circle, however, through an investigation of reality, history and legal principle, I think procuratorial organ should be given prosecution right in public service lawsuit.
  • Enduing college student with definite curriculum right is not only the demand of education, law and the development of curriculum theory, but it is an important insurance for the college student to develop their personalities.
  • Therefore, we should derive sophisticated experience from other countries and perfect our Pretrial Procedure by adopting some effective measures, eg defining parties 'predominate role, constructing the pretrial procedural conference and enduing judges the right of interpretation, etc.
  • 2, enduing the times element which correspond with city development and society demand to natural resources is the most important matter.