

英 [ˈfænsiɪŋ]

美 [ˈfænsiɪŋ]

v.  想要; 想做; 爱慕(异性); 自负; 自命不凡


  • I can't help fancying there's an extra cause for this.
  • A decade ago, an official fancying a holiday more or less had to land a spot on one of these delegations, paid for from state or company funds or by joint-venture partners from the West.
  • The Han people affirmed the reality, but at the same time, they were fancying to roam in the immortal world.
  • "I wish you could persuade Mary not to be always fancying herself ill," was Charles's language;
  • Thus it is easy to see that it is highly unlikely that the student who has most of his attention centered on fancying at large will be able to recall even the major points of a lecture.
  • And I was not without secret wishes that I were on shore there, fancying the seeing the main land, and in an inhabited country, I might find some way or other to convey my self farther, and perhaps at last find some means of escape.
  • He walked here, and he walked there, fancying himself so very great!
  • Nelly Dean,'said he,'I can't help fancying there's an extra cause for this.
  • Mrs Croft always met her with a kindness which gave her the pleasure of fancying herself a favourite, and on the present occasion, receiving her in that house, there was particular attention.
  • The seventh earl, fancying himself as a movie actor, built a large cinema screen on the roof ( Ingrid Bergman partied in front of it).