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  • exacting especially about details
    1. a finicky eater
    2. fussy about clothes
    3. very particular about how her food was prepared


  • Per-student standard cost as a basis for rational pricing of higher education, which not only provides reference for the government determining finical allocation and tuition, but establishes cost consciousness, strengthens internal management and improves school effectiveness.
  • Cooperating with GE, the finical institution and bank give credit to those customers who are short of fund to buy the product of GE.
  • With the emergence of the new businesses, new tools and new markets, the total financial volume, financial structure and finical efficiency gradually begin to change.
  • Being an insurance of finical running intensive management, it is excogitated from three aspects, namely: achievement of financial business unity, focus on systemic budget, apply fund motive management.
  • The paper gives a definition and implication to network finance together with an analysis and expound to the importance of network finical management In order to discuss how to put the network finical into effect, the article introduces the proceeding recreation system.
  • When appropriate, some part can be invested in circulated trusts, stocks and enterprise and finical debts with investment level of credit in the market, which will be the same with national social security foundations.
  • There are huge number of data unstructured information within finical firms. How to fetch valuable content from huge amount of unstructured information as soon as possible is the problem that we should face in the financial domain of Information Management.
  • Every model has been used in application of the enterprise accounting and finical management system, and has shown great model advantage.
  • From the unique perspective, the author of this thesis uses a practical case to analyze the investment and risk control of foreign investment company investing in China's no-performing finical asset.
  • The Design Method of Program to Browse the Finical Data in Network