

英 [ɪnˈdʌkʃənz]

美 [ɪnˈdʌkʃənz]

n.  就职; 入门; 接纳会员; 就职仪式; 引产; 催生; 归纳法


  • N-VAR 就职;就职仪式;入门
    Inductionis a procedure or ceremony for introducing someone to a new job, organization, or way of life.
    1. ...the induction of the girls into the sport.
    2. ...Elvis' induction into the army.
    3. ...an induction course for new members.
  • 归纳;归纳法
    Inductionis a method of reasoning in which you use individual ideas or facts to give you a general rule or conclusion.
    1. 电磁感应
      Inductionis the process by which electricity or magnetism is passed between two objects or circuits without them touching each other.
      1. See also:induce


      • Inductions and Discussions of Solid State Phase Transformation of Titanium Alloy(ⅳ)& Classifications of Heat Treatment of Titanium Alloy
      • Eighty patients with non-hypertension and no significant cardiovascular disease were divided four groups to observe the cardiovascular responses provoked by intubation during various intravenous inductions.
      • By analyzing the actuality, existed issues, space pattern as well as the main tendency in further development. This thesis is to bring forward basic ideas and policy inductions to integrate the area's industries.
      • There had no relation between callus inductions with germination of seed in the process of callus induction.
      • As we all know, the environment of periodontal regeneration is much complicated, including the participation of epithelial-mesenchymal interactions, extracellular matrix and growth factors. Therefore, it is almost impossible to achieve predictable periodontal regeneration with non-physiological inductions mediated by scaffolds or some growth factors.
      • The second chapter is about letter of credit soft clause types and its relief, this chapter makes some inductions to several types of and makes some discussion to letter of credit soft clause relief questions.
      • The results showed that within the range of exposure dosages, different inductions of Cd2+ to activities of SOD and CAT in above tissues of A.
      • Its point of departure is Experience; including under that name both our immediate consciousness and the inductions from it.
      • When many cell modulators are paralleled, their distributed inductions are also paralleled, the effective distributed inductance of the modulator is reduced.
      • The chapter 1 analyzes the urgency of the public crisis management, points out the great significance and elaborates the present situation of the research to the public crisis management, and makes inductions to the main research mentality and the methods of this article.