

英 [ˈmiːdiənz]

美 [ˈmidiənz]

n.  中位数; (三角形的)中线


  • 中间值的;中位数的;中间的
    Themedianvalue of a set of values is the middle one when they are arranged in order. For example, if a group of five students take a test and their marks are 5, 7, 7, 8, and 10, the median mark is 7.
    1. 同 median strip
      Amedianis the same as amedian strip.


      • The calculation of the medians of the vegetation indices of a particular sample field ′ s corresponding area of ASTER image pixels, based on the size of that particular sample field;
      • Influence of Functional Condition of Vastus Medians and Location of Patella on Patellar Pain in Chondromalacia Patella Patients ── Discussion on the effect of rubbing Xuehai on relieving patella Pain
      • Data stream clustering is an important issue in data stream mining. Most of the existing algorithms adopted K medians ( means) method to solve this problem, which are not suitable to address the problem of clustering high dimensional or abnormal distributed data streams.
      • Anew high fidelity filtering algorithm ( HFFA) using medians in moving window is proposed.
      • Design velocity is smaller than ( 60 km · h~ (-1)) when medians outside barrier with curb are used in the freeway and it is unsuited for freeway to set heaved curb.
      • Two geometric inequalities concerning lengths of medians of a simplex
      • The Medians concentration of PAPP-A and free-β-HCG at 7-13 gestational week internal was also calculated.
      • Bimodal distribution for mutation factor is composed of two Cauchy distributions with different medians, and balances global exploration and local exploitation.
      • Even so, you see the cars lined up bumper to bumper on the street, and filling the medians on major roads.
      • However, the medians of PAPP-A and inhibin-A in the preeclampsia group obviously higher than that in the healthy group of corresponding gestational weeks.