

(mobilise 的过去分词) vi.vt. 动员, 松动, 使活动, 调动, 发动
mobilise的过去分词, 过去式


  • In quake-hit areas accessible by road from the Sichuan capital, Chengdu, the official rescue effort was fast and on a mass scale as the government mobilised all its resources to unblock roads and search for survivors.
  • Mobile phone repair crews were also mobilised and service had been restored to much of the area by last night.
  • I have great faith in the innovation machinery of the US, he said, which would be mobilised by means of billions of dollars of federal spending in President Barack Obama's economic stimulus package.
  • Yet they might also raise their sights: for if they are unlikely to succeed in their traditional search for better wages they might fare better by returning to the moral force they mobilised in early years.
  • But Germany had so mobilised its resources and nationalist sentiments that it terrified its neighbours.
  • To do this, organisations should consider not just business continuity planning, but putting together emergency response teams that can be mobilised if a situation does arise.
  • By midday the board had received information that a group of fundamentalists had mobilised themselves after Friday prayers and were heading towards the hotel.
  • If Italy remains stuck in an uncompetitive recession and is unable to regain market access then, even if such large official resources were mobilised, they would be wasted on financing investors 'exits – simply postponing an inevitable, disorderly debt restructuring.
  • Labour costs for planting trees are high, but since much would consist of locally mobilised volunteers, we can estimate roughly$ 400 per hectare, including seedlings and labour.
  • In time of crisis the missile system could be quickly mobilised from bases to launch locations by railway.