

英 [ˈnætʃrəlaɪzɪŋ]

美 [ˈnætʃrəlaɪzɪŋ]

v.  使加入…国籍; 使成为某国公民; 归化; 引进(动植物); 移植; 适应异域生长环境


    in BRIT, also use 英国英语亦用 naturalise

  • V-ERG 移植(植物);(使)(植物)适应异地生长环境
    Tonaturalizea species of plant means to start it growing in an area where it is not usually found. If a plantnaturalizesin an area where it was not found before, it starts to grow there naturally.
    1. A friend sent me a root from Mexico, and I hope to naturalize it...
    2. The plant naturalises well in grass.
  • See also:No one expects the Baltic states to naturalise young Russian soldiers, but army pensioners can be given citizenship.naturalized


  • This involves a kind of naturalizing beyond the dichotomy of transcendent metaphysics and reductionist physicalism, that's a special kind of naturalization.
  • And then advance a idea that only walk along the road from "the making nature artificial" to "the naturalizing man nature", we should realize the" dream "of" design for China ".
  • He flew into her bosom without a word, melting and naturalizing himself, neither cheerfully, nor sorrowfully.
  • A Transition of Urban Human Settlement Planning Towards Eco-integrity, Naturalizing, Low Cost and Humanity Orientation
  • Epistemology needs remodel by socializing and naturalizing, "social" as foundation of epistemology, and human naturalized epistemic as core of epistemology.
  • With the naturalizing investigation of subjectivity of conscious experience, we think that the nature, which is pregnant of conscious activities, forms a knot-typed topological structure, namely Mobius strip or Klein bottle.
  • The article interprets the conception of "the making nature artificial" and "the naturalizing man nature" with a new idea;
  • He has endeavored to prevent the population of these states; for that purpose obstructing the laws of naturalizing of foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migration hither, and raising the condition of new appropriations of lands.
  • Since the secular political power in Chinese ancient society is superior to the religious power, the Confucian culture like all other Chinese ancient cultures uses nature as its final evidence of man-established cultural value& naturalizing man-established cultural value.
  • The Naturalizing Tests and Countermeasures of the Five-grades Judgment System of Loans