

(origination 的复数) n. 开始, 起始, 起源


  • In the classified way, this paper classify the material buzzwords basing on their originations. This taxonomic approach is simply and practical comparing the former classification method that basing on the way of constitution.
  • There are two originations of elegiac couplet: one is the "physical origination", i.e. the succession relation between elegiac couplet and elegiac song, poem and ci;
  • The correct judgement toward originations period of Chinese characters will influence the status of Chinese in the world and will have an effect on the history of Chinese civilizations.
  • The regional NPOs having the common features as the NPOs, that is, the base for building a harmonious society, developing the originations and vowing a strong voice in the society, will be the same.
  • Then by analyzing the originations of LCD motion artifacts, based on the measurement of step luminance response of LCD and the smooth-pursuit eye-tracking and temporal integration a new simulation method is proposed to measure and characterize motion artifacts in LCDs.
  • This article analyses the features of popular expressions in a culture and points out their originations as well as the difficulties they bring to the translation.
  • The final chapter discusses the concrete applications of vocality in films and television programs detailed from different perspectives, and enumerate many examples to demonstrate the originations of applied forms.
  • So academy logistics originations maybe develop some payable services by the characters of undergraduate improve the benefits of apartment project.
  • The emerging of the professional originations is the results of the vulnerable market objectives organize to realize self-management, self-protection and self-remedy.
  • Because of the different national characteristics and originations, great diversity is manifested in the symbolic meanings and cultural connotations in the Eastern and Western myths.