

英 [ˈpɔːnɪŋ]

美 [ˈpɔːnɪŋ]

v.  质押; 典当



  • VERB 典当;抵押
    If youpawnsomething that you own, you leave it with a pawnbroker, who gives you money for it and who can sell it if you do not pay back the money before a certain time.
    1. He is contemplating pawning his watch.
  • (国际象棋中的)兵,卒
    In chess, apawnis the smallest and least valuable playing piece. Each player has eight pawns at the start of the game.
    1. N-COUNT 马前卒;走卒;爪牙
      If you say that someone is using you as apawn, you mean that they are using you for their own advantage.
      1. It looks as though he is being used as a political pawn by the President...
      2. They are the pawns in the power game played by their unseen captors.


    • Even today Taiwan still follows the pawning right system.
    • There were legal provisions on the pawning right very early in ancient China. During the Tang dynasty, the pawning right had been shaped, which is followed by later ages.
    • In order to maximize the economic effectiveness of materials, market players often set mortgage rights, leasing rights, pawning rights etc in the same real estate, which resulting in the emergence of the conflicts of rights.
    • The author agrees that the pawning right system should be established in the law of rights over things in China and states the corresponding reasons in this paper.
    • At first sight the trade seems mundane: there are a few dusty cameras in a display cabinet and a middle-aged woman, talking loudly on a mobile phone, is pawning a necklace with a gold-plated heart.
    • As one of the good civil traditions, the pawning right institution embodies the features of the national culture.
    • Moreover, while there are cases of people pawning their houses to buy shares, the Chinese middle class has substantial savings to fall back on in the event of a stock market meltdown.
    • The Legislation of the Pawning right is one of the Chinese nation unique traditional legal regime on property. It is a creation that can financial intermediation and maintain the interests of both parties in a specific socio-economic conditions.
    • After arriving home in Yangzhou, father paid off debts by selling or pawning things.
    • The pawnage, the unique traditional institution of our country, with very long history, became into being "the legal institution of pawning right" in the modern civil law, under the interaction between tradition, statutes and western legal system.