

英 [ræks]

美 [ræks]

n.  支架; 架子; (旧时的)拉肢刑具; (羊、猪等带前肋的)颈脊肉
v.  使痛苦不堪; 使受折磨


    The spelling wrack is also used, mainly for meanings 2 and 3, and mainly in old-fashioned or American English. 亦拼作wrack,主要用于义项2和3,多见于过时英语或美国英语中。

  • See also:My rucksack was too big for the luggage rack...You have to fight to reach the racks of clothes but the bargains are amazing.roof racktoast rack
  • See also:His already infirm body was racked by high fever...The country is now racked by three violent separatist movements....a teenager racked with guilt and anxiety.racking
  • PHRASE 绞尽脑汁;苦苦思索
    If yourackyourbrains, you try very hard to think of something.
    1. She began to rack her brains to remember what had happened at the nursing home.
  • PHRASE (身体或心理)受到折磨
    If you say that someone ison the rack, you mean that they are suffering either physically or mentally.
    1. Only a year ago, he was on the rack with a heroin addiction that began when he was 13.
  • 荒废;衰败
    If you say that a placeis going to rack and ruin, you are emphasizing that it is slowly becoming less attractive or less pleasant because no-one is bothering to look after it.
    1. PHRASE (衣服、商品等)现成的,成品的
      Off-the-rackclothes or goods are made in large numbers, rather than being made specially for a particular person.
      1. ...the same off-the-rack dress she's been wearing since the night before...
      2. For our clothes, we went to a shop on Hollywood Boulevard, and we just picked it all off the rack.
    2. in BRIT, use 英国英语用 off-the-peg


    • Nearby, there may be a number of racks on which magnetic tapes and discs are stored.
    • The three clung to their seats as bags cascaded down from the luggage racks.
    • Customize your closets and cupboards with wire racks, bins, and shelves.
    • Most people display magazines on coffee tables or in special magazine racks, but I've never understood this.
    • Then these parts are ejected with a variety of lifters, cams, racks, poppit valves, screws, and cylinders.
    • However, this policy increases the cost of writes because a write needs to transfer blocks to multiple racks.
    • The SFR Series wall racks simplify cable management and provide easier equipment rear access.
    • Rack layout for each rack type ( for example, management racks and compute racks)
    • The company specializes in manufacturing automatic drying racks and accessories, technical strength, variety complete specifications.
    • The racks were crowded with new dresses.