

英 [skeɪl]

美 [skeɪl]

n.  (尤指与其他事物相比较时的)规模,范围,程度; 等级; 级别; 等级体系
v.  攀登; 到达…顶点; 去鳞; 刮除牙石

复数:scales 过去分词:scaled 现在分词:scaling 过去式:scaled 第三人称单数:scales 


Oxford 3000 / Collins.4 / BNC.1115 / COCA.1223


scale backscale down
1. 缩小;缩减;减弱  

scale up
1. 增大;增加;提高  


    scale sth↔down

    • 减少(数量);缩小(规模或范围)
      to reduce the number, size or extent of sth

      scale sth↔up

      • 增大,扩大(规模或数量)
        to increase the size or number of sth



            tip the balance/scales
          • 使天平倾斜;使结果倾向某方;起决定性作用
            to affect the result of sth in one way rather than another
          • In an interview, smart presentation can tip the scales in your favour.



              规模 size
            • (尤指与其他事物相比较时的)规模,范围,程度
              the size or extent of sth, especially when compared with sth else
              1. They entertain on a large scale (= they hold expensive parties with a lot of guests) .
              2. Here was corruption on a grand scale .
              3. On a global scale, 77% of energy is created from fossil fuels.
              4. to achieve economies of scale in production (= to produce many items so the cost of producing each one is reduced)
              5. It was impossible to comprehend the full scale of the disaster.
              6. It was not until morning that the sheer scale of the damage could be seen (= how great it was) .
            • 等级 range of levels
            • 等级;级别
              a range of levels or numbers used for measuring sth
              1. a five-point pay scale
              2. to evaluate performance on a scale from 1 to 10
            • 等级体系
              the set of all the different levels of sth, from the lowest to the highest
              1. At the other end of the scale , life is a constant struggle to get enough to eat.
              2. the social scale
            • 衡量标度 marks for measuring
            • 标度;刻度
              a series of marks at regular intervals on an instrument that is used for measuring
              1. How much does it read on the scale?
            • 衡器 weighing instrument
            • 秤;磅秤;天平
              an instrument for weighing people or things
              1. bathroom/kitchen/weighing scales
              2. the scales of justice (= represented as the two pans on a balance 5 )
            • 地图;图表;模型 of map/diagram/model
            • 比例;比例尺
              the relation between the actual size of sth and its size on a map, diagram or model that represents it
              1. a scale of 1:25 000
                1:25 000的比例
              2. a scale model/drawing
                按比例缩放的模型 / 图画
              3. Both plans are drawn to the same scale.
              4. Is this diagram to scale (= are all its parts the same size and shape in relation to each other as they are in the thing represented) ?
            • 音乐 in music
            • 音阶
              a series of musical notes moving upwards or downwards, with fixed intervals between each note, especially a series of eight starting on a particular note
              1. the scale of C major
              2. to practise scales on the piano
            • 鱼;爬行动物 of fish/reptile
            • 鳞;鳞片
              any of the thin plates of hard material that cover the skin of many fish and reptiles
              1. 水管等 in water pipes, etc.
              2. 水垢;水锈
                a hard greyish-white substance that is sometimes left inside water pipes and containers for heating water
                1. 牙齿 on teeth
                2. 牙垢;牙石
                  a hard substance that forms on teeth, especially when they are not cleaned regularly


                    攀登 climb
                  • 攀登;到达…顶点
                    to climb to the top of sth very high and steep
                    1. the first woman to scale the world's five highest peaks
                    2. He has scaled the heights of his profession.
                  • 鱼 fish
                  • 去鳞
                    to remove the small flat hard pieces of skin from a fish
                    1. 牙齿 teeth
                    2. 刮除牙石
                      to remove tartar from the teeth by scraping
                      1. The dentist scaled and polished my teeth.
                    3. 改变大小 change size
                    4. 改变…的大小
                      to change the size of sth
                      1. Text can be scaled from 4 points to 108 points without any loss of quality.


                    • See also:However, he underestimates the scale of the problem...You may feel dwarfed by the sheer scale of the place...The breakdown of law and order could result in killing on a massive scale...The British aid programme is small in scale.full-scalelarge-scalesmall-scale
                    • See also:...an earthquake measuring five-point-five on the Richter scale...The patient rates the therapies on a scale of zero to ten...The higher up the social scale they are, the more the men have to lose.sliding scaletimescale
                    • N-COUNT (根据年龄、工种等核定的工资或费用)级别,标准
                      A payscaleorscale offees is a list that shows how much someone should be paid, depending, for example, on their age or what work they do.
                      1. ...those on the high end of the pay scale...
                      2. A Registered Osteopath will be pleased to tell you his scale of fees before you decide on a consultation.
                    • See also:The map, on a scale of 1:10,000, shows over 5,000 individual paths.full-scalelarge-scale
                    • ADJ (模型或复制品)按比例缩小的
                      Ascalemodel orscalereplica of a building or object is a model of it which is smaller than the real thing but has all the same parts and features.
                      1. Franklin made his mother an intricately detailed scale model of the house.
                    • N-COUNT 音阶
                      In music, ascaleis a fixed sequence of musical notes, each one higher than the next, which begins at a particular note.
                      1. ...the scale of C major.
                        C 大调音阶
                    • 鱼鳞;(爬行动物的)鳞片
                      Thescalesof a fish or reptile are the small, flat pieces of hard skin that cover its body.
                      1. N-PLURAL 天平;秤;磅秤
                        Scalesare a piece of equipment used for weighing things, for example for weighing amounts of food that you need in order to make a particular meal.
                        1. ...a pair of kitchen scales.
                        2. ...bathroom scales...
                        3. I step on the scales practically every morning.
                      2. VERB 爬越;攀登;翻过
                        If youscalesomething such as a mountain or a wall, you climb up it or over it.
                        1. In 1981, five members of a climbing party died while scaling Mount Hood.
                          1981 年,一支登山队的5名队员在攀登胡德峰时遇难。
                        2. The men scaled a wall and climbed down scaffolding on the other side.
                      3. PHRASE 与…不成比例;和…不相称
                        If something isout of scale withthe things near it, it is too big or too small in relation to them.
                        1. The tower was surmounted by an enormous statue, utterly out of scale with the building.
                      4. PHRASE 按比例
                        If the different parts of a map, drawing, or model areto scale, they are the right size in relation to each other.
                        1. ...a miniature garden, with little pagodas and bridges all to scale.



                      • a flattened rigid plate forming part of the body covering of many animals
                        1. a metal sheathing of uniform thickness (such as the shield attached to an artillery piece to protect the gunners)
                          1. an indicator having a graduated sequence of marks
                            1. a measuring instrument for weighing
                                Synonym:weighing machine
                              1. (music) a series of notes differing in pitch according to a specific scheme (usually within an octave)
                                  Synonym:musical scale
                                1. a thin flake of dead epidermis shed from the surface of the skin
                                  1. a specialized leaf or bract that protects a bud or catkin
                                      Synonym:scale leaf
                                    1. relative magnitude
                                      1. they entertained on a grand scale
                                    2. the ratio between the size of something and a representation of it
                                      1. the scale of the map
                                      2. the scale of the model
                                    3. an ordered reference standard
                                      1. judging on a scale of 1 to 10
                                      Synonym:scale of measurementgraduated tableordered series


                                    • size or measure according to a scale
                                      1. This model must be scaled down
                                    • measure with or as if with scales
                                      1. scale the gold
                                    • remove the scales from
                                      1. scale fish
                                    • pattern, make, regulate, set, measure, or estimate according to some rate or standard
                                      1. climb up by means of a ladder
                                        1. reach the highest point of
                                          1. We scaled the Mont Blanc
                                        2. take by attacking with scaling ladders
                                          1. The troops scaled the walls of the fort
                                        3. measure by or as if by a scale
                                          1. This bike scales only 25 pounds


                                        • The patient rates the therapies on a scale of zero to ten
                                        • It is high time to consider the problem on a global scale.
                                        • The scale of the map is 1: 460000.
                                        • This movement has aroused the masses on a large scale.
                                        • A Registered Osteopath will be pleased to tell you his scale of fees before you decide on a consultation.
                                        • Car firms are desperate to achieve economies of scale.
                                        • I step on the scales practically every morning.
                                        • The crisis faced over the next few months is of an entirely different scale
                                        • The British aid programme is small in scale.
                                        • The police can only guess at the scale of the problem.