

英 [suːts]

美 [suːts]

n.  套装; 西装; 西服; (从事特定活动时穿的)成套服装; (扑克牌中)所有同花色的牌
v.  对(某人)方便; 满足(某人)需要; 合(某人)心意; 相配; 合身; 适合; 适宜; 有利于


  • N-COUNT (男士的)一套外衣,套装,西装
    A man'ssuitconsists of a jacket, trousers, and sometimes a waistcoat, all made from the same fabric.
    1. ...a dark pinstriped business suit.
    2. ...a smart suit and tie.
  • N-COUNT (女士的)一套外衣,套装,套裙
    A woman'ssuitconsists of a jacket and skirt, or sometimes trousers, made from the same fabric.
    1. I was wearing my tweed suit.
  • N-COUNT (从事特定活动时穿的)成套服装
    A particular type ofsuitis a piece of clothing that you wear for a particular activity.
    1. ...a completely revolutionary atmospheric diving suit.
  • VERB 对…方便;满足…需要;合…心意
    If somethingsuitsyou, it is convenient for you or is the best thing for you in the circumstances.
    1. They will only release information if it suits them...
    2. They should be able to find you the best package to suit your needs.
  • VERB 讨…喜欢;中…的意
    If somethingsuitsyou, you like it.
    1. I don't think a sedentary life would altogether suit me.
  • VERB (服装、风格、颜色)使显得漂亮,与…相配;适合
    If a piece of clothing or a particular style or coloursuitsyou, it makes you look attractive.
    1. Green suits you.
  • You do not use the verbsuitif clothes are simply not the right size for you. The verb you need isfit.The size 12 gown was gorgeousand fitted perfectly... The gloves didn't fit.You can say that somethingsuitsa person or place if it looks attractive on that person or in that place.It is really feminine and pretty and it certainly suits you.However, you cannot usually say that one colour, pattern, or objectsuitsanother. The verb you need ismatch.She wears a straw hat with a yellow ribbon to match her yellow cheesecloth dress... His clothes don't quite match.
    表示衣服的尺码是否合适不用 suit,应该用 fit,如:The size 12 gown was gorgeous and fitted perfectly (那件 12 码的礼服看上去光彩夺目,而且大小正合适),The gloves didn't fit (手套大小不合适)。可用 suit 来表示某物穿在某人身上或放在某处非常漂亮,如:It is really feminine and pretty and it certainly suits you (它真是又漂亮又有女人味,你穿上去一定好看)。然而通常不能用 suit 来表示颜色、图形或物件或其他事物相匹配,此时应该用的动词为 match,如:She wears a straw hat with a yellow ribbon to match her yellow cheesecloth dress (她戴了一顶缀黄丝带的草帽来搭配黄色的薄纱连衣裙),His clothes don't quite match (他的着装不是很搭)。

  • VERB 随自己的意愿;随性子;自便
    If yousuit yourself, you do something just because you want to do it, without bothering to consider other people.
    1. These large institutions make — and change—the rules to suit themselves...
    2. He made a dismissive gesture. 'Suit yourself.'
  • N-COUNT 诉讼;讼案
    In a court of law, asuitis a case in which someone tries to get a legal decision against a person or company, often so that the person or company will have to pay them money for having done something wrong to them.
    1. Up to 2,000 former employees have filed personal injury suits against the company...
      多达 2,000 名旧职员以个人伤害为由向该公司提起诉讼。
    2. The judge dismissed the suit.
    3. In American English, you can say that someonefilesorbrings suit againstanother person.
    4. One insurance company has already filed suit against the city of Chicago.
  • (扑克牌中的)同花色牌,花色
    Asuitis one of the four types of card in a set of playing cards. These are hearts, diamonds, clubs, and spades.
    1. See also:bathing suitbirthday suitboiler suittrouser suit
    2. PHRASE 跟着做;照着做;仿效
      If peoplefollow suit, they do the same thing that someone else has just done.
      1. Efforts to persuade the remainder to follow suit have continued.
    3. PHRASE 对…非常方便;很合…心意
      If somethingsuitsyoudown to the ground, you like it a great deal or find it very convenient.
      1. Their London house suits them down to the ground.


    • I'm always wary of men wearing suits, as I equate this with power and authority
    • We had the pick of suits from the shop.
    • One or two, in blue suits, might have been bank officials. Others were clearly working men.
    • This type of mobile phone suits me very well.
    • Make it anytime that suits you; I'm always free.
    • This suits my tastes best.
    • Blue suits you, sets off the colour of your hair.
    • His designer suits ruck up round his middle
    • Do you make suits to measure?
    • Instead of dining in top restaurants and wearing expensive suits, he likes to eat hamburgers and buys clothes off the peg.