

英 [ˈtiːzɪz]

美 [ˈtiːzɪz]

v.  取笑; 戏弄; 揶揄; 寻开心; 招惹,逗弄(动物); 挑逗,撩拨(异性)
n.  爱戏弄人的人; 逗弄者; 取笑者; 戏弄; 捉弄; 取笑; 卖弄风骚的人; 勾引人者


  • VERB 嘲笑;取笑;嘲弄
    Toteasesomeone means to laugh at them or make jokes about them in order to embarrass, annoy, or upset them.
    1. He told her how the boys in East Poldown had set on him, teasing him...
    2. He teased me mercilessly about going Hollywood...
    3. 'You must be expecting a young man,' she teased.
    4. Teaseis also a noun.
    5. Calling her by her real name had always been one of his teases.
  • N-COUNT 爱开玩笑的人;爱戏弄别人的人
    If you refer to someone as atease, you mean that they like laughing at people or making jokes about them.
    1. My brother's such a tease...
    2. The best way to deal with a tease is to ignore him.
  • VERB (尤指性方面)逗弄,戏弄,挑逗
    If you say that someoneis teasing, you mean that they are pretending to offer you something that you want, especially sex, but then not giving it to you.
    1. I thought she was teasing, playing the innocent, but looking back, I'm not so sure...
    2. When did you last flirt with him or tease him?
  • N-COUNT (尤指性方面)戏弄别人的人,挑逗别人的人,卖弄风情的人
    If you refer to someone as atease, you mean that they pretend to offer someone what they want, especially sex, but then do not give it to them.
    1. Later she heard he had told one of her friends she was a tease.
  • See also:teasingstriptease


  • Patients were classified according to Hunt& Hess standard: Grade 1: 1 Teases;
  • We still don't have a premiere date yet for Orphan Black season 2, but that doesn't mean you have to wait until the spring for teases about what's next.
  • The site teases the fake news that it will shut down at midnight.
  • In a video uploaded on the site on Sunday, the company teases the fake news that it will be shutting down at midnight so that its tech team can comb through every clip to pick the best video in the world.
  • A young black man, shorty, sees the look and teases Martin wells.
  • That boy always teases girls.
  • The more Google knows about you, the better it teases out preferences you never realised you had.
  • Marches into the Dong stronghold, which has to fry the sour meat or the sour fish, the fragrance teases the good tourist saliva three feet frequently.
  • One part of the presentation teases augmented reality features, like showing nearby restaurants overlaid on a live camera view, as an eventual part of Nokia phones.
  • Make certain that headlines, news teases and promotional material, photos, video, audio, graphics, sound bites and quotations do not misrepresent.