

英 [ˈθɪnɪst]

美 [ˈθɪnɪst]

adv.  薄薄地
adj.  薄的; 细的; 瘦的; 稀少的; 稀疏的


  • ADJ-GRADED 窄的;细的
    Something that isthinis much narrower than it is long.
    1. A thin cable carries the signal to a computer...
    2. James's face was thin, finely boned, and sensitive.
  • ADJ-GRADED (人、动物)瘦的
    A person or animal that isthinhas no extra fat on their body .
    1. He was a tall, thin man with grey hair...
    2. He is small and very thin and has pale-white skin.
  • ADJ-GRADED (纸、布等)薄的
    Something such as paper or cloth that isthinis flat and has only a very small distance between its two opposite surfaces.
    1. ...a small, blue-bound book printed in fine type on thin paper...
    2. A thin layer of topsoil was swept away.
  • ADJ-GRADED (液体)稀的,淡的
    Liquids that arethinare weak and watery.
    1. The soup was thin and clear, yet mysteriously rich...
    2. They are stirring huge pots of rice and thin vegetable soup over a fire made of charcoal.
  • ADJ-GRADED (人群、观众)稀少的,稀疏的
    A crowd or audience that isthindoes not have many people in it.
    1. The crowd, which had been thin for the first half of the race, had now grown considerably.
  • ADJ-GRADED (微笑)冷淡的,牵强的,不幽默的
    Athinsmile is one that is not friendly or humorous.
    1. All she could manage was a thin, wan smile.
  • ADJ-GRADED (衣物)薄的,单薄的
    Thinclothes are made from light cloth and are not warm to wear.
    1. Her gown was thin, and she shivered, partly from cold.
  • ADJ-GRADED (论点、解释)浅薄的,不足信的,说服力差的
    If you describe an argument or explanation asthin, you mean that it is weak and difficult to believe.
    1. However, the evidence is thin and, to some extent, ambiguous...
    2. Even if the optimists' theory is true, it still seems a thin argument against reform.
  • ADJ-GRADED (声音)尖声尖气的,尖细的
    A voice or sound that isthinis high-pitched and not very loud.
    1. Her thin voice rose high in complaint.
  • ADJ-GRADED (头发)稀疏的
    If someone's hair is described asthin, they do not have a lot of hair.
    1. She had pale thin yellow hair she pulled back into a bun.
  • V-ERG (使)变稀疏
    When youthinsomething or when itthins, it becomes less crowded because people or things have been removed from it.
    1. It would have been better to have thinned the trees over several winters rather than all at one time...
    2. By midnight the crowd had thinned.
    3. Thin outmeans the same asthin.
      thin out 同 thin
    4. NATO will continue to thin out its forces...
    5. When the crowd began to thin out, I realized that most of the food was still there...
    6. Further up the river, the vineyards start to thin out and the orange groves and almond trees take over.
  • VERB 使(调味汁或液体)变稀薄;使变淡
    Tothina sauce or liquid means to make it weaker and more watery by adding another liquid to it.
    1. It may be necessary to thin the sauce slightly...
    2. Aspirin thins the blood, letting it flow more easily through narrowed blood vessels.
    3. Thin downmeans the same asthin.
      thin down 同 thin
    4. Thin down your mayonnaise with soured cream or natural yoghurt.
    5. ...an oil-based paint that was thinned down with white spirit.
  • 他的头发开始脱落,皮肤也老化了。 → see:His hair is thinning and his skin has lost all hint of youth.
  • PHRASE (耐心等)消磨掉,耗尽
    If someone's patience, for example,is wearing thin, they are beginning to become impatient or angry with someone.
    1. Parliament has not yet begun to combat the deepening economic crisis, and public patience is wearing thin.
  • on thin ice→ see:ice


  • The formulas show that the characteristic parameters have direct relationships with the stage number of the filter and the thinnest quartz's thickness.
  • Ghost of a mother-thinnest fantasy of a mother-methinks she might yet have thrown a pitying glance towards her son!
  • So far the thinnest iPod, beautiful blend of bright 2-inch screen and a pleasure to look at the curve of aluminum fuselage of glass together.
  • With America, you always have to think about the fact they have the thinnest feet, she said. Asians have the widest.
  • While Asian banks have filled part of the gap left by the Europeans pulling back, they have been in the most senior part of the capital structure, where risks are lowest and margins thinnest.
  • It is thinnest at the top; this thin area is located just below the spinal cord.
  • In Bihar, that darkness has been pierced even if only by the thinnest of beams.
  • Min-Kyu Choi, 29, had bought the world's thinnest laptop, advertised as being slim enough to fit in an envelope.
  • This was in accordance with their belief that during this time the veil between the world of the dead and earth was at its thinnest and, ancestral spirits, or ghosts could roam freely here on earth.
  • It's she who will notice my slimmed down waist or the thinnest, little bracelet on my arm.