

英 [ˈtaɪtɪst]

美 [ˈtaɪtəst]

adv.  紧紧地; 牢固地
adj.  牢固的; 紧的; 不松动的; 难解开的; 紧身的; 紧贴的; 严密的; 严格的; 严厉的


  • ADJ-GRADED (衣服或鞋)紧身的,紧贴的
    Tightclothes or shoes are rather small and fit closely to your body.
    1. She walked off the plane in a miniskirt and tight top...
    2. His jeans were too tight.
  • ADV-GRADED 牢牢地;紧紧地
    If you hold someone or somethingtight, you hold them firmly and securely.
    1. She just fell into my arms, clutching me tight for a moment...
    2. Just hold tight to my hand and follow along...
    3. Hold on tight!
    4. Tightis also an adjective.
    5. As he and Henrietta passed through the gate he kept a tight hold of her arm.
  • ADJ-GRADED (控制或规则)严格的,严厉的
    Tightcontrols or rules are very strict.
    1. The measures include tight control of media coverage...
    2. The Government were prepared to keep a tight hold on public sector pay rises...
    3. Security is tight this week at the polling sites.
  • ADV-GRADED 紧紧地;密不透风地;滴水不漏地
    Something that is shuttightis shut very firmly.
    1. The baby lay on his back with his eyes closed tight...
    2. I keep the flour and sugar in individual jars, sealed tight with their glass lids...
    3. Within minutes she was outside, closing her bedroom door tight behind her...
    4. She kept her eyes tight closed.
  • ADJ-GRADED (皮肤、布、线)拉紧的,绷紧的
    Skin, cloth, or string that istightis stretched or pulled so that it is smooth or straight.
    1. My skin feels tight and lacking in moisture...
    2. Pull the elastic tight and knot the ends.
  • ADJ-GRADED 紧密的;密集的;装得满满的
    Tightis used to describe a group of things or an amount of something that is closely packed together.
    1. She curled up in a tight ball, with her knees tucked up at her chin...
    2. The men came in a tight group.
    3. Tightis also an adverb.
    4. The people sleep on sun loungers packed tight, end to end.
  • ADJ-GRADED (身体局部)不舒服的,憋闷的
    If a part of your body istight, it feels rather uncomfortable and painful, for example because you are ill, anxious, or angry.
    1. It is better to stretch the tight muscles first...
    2. Sarah came forward with a tight and angry face...
    3. 'There were no survivors, of course,' said Fred, his throat tight.
  • ADJ-GRADED 关系紧密的;亲密的
    Atightgroup of people is one whose members are closely linked by beliefs, feelings, or interests.
    1. We're a tight group, so we do keep in touch.
  • ADJ-GRADED (弯道、拐角)急转的,陡转的
    Atightbend or corner is one that changes direction very quickly so that you cannot see very far round it.
    1. They collided on a tight bend and both cars were extensively damaged.
  • ADJ-GRADED (日程、预算)紧张的,回旋余地不大的
    Atightschedule or budget allows very little time or money for unexpected events or expenses.
    1. It's difficult to cram everything into a tight schedule...
    2. Emma is on a tight budget for clothes...
    3. Financially things are a bit tight.
  • ADJ-GRADED (比赛双方)比分接近的,不相上下的,势均力敌的
    Atightcontest is one where none of the competitors has a clear advantage or looks likely to win, so that it is difficult to say who the winner will be.
    1. It was a very tight match...
    2. The most recent polls predict a tight three-way race.
  • ADJ-GRADED 小气的;抠门儿的;吝啬的
    If you say that someone istight, you disapprove of them because they are unwilling to spend their money.
    1. What about getting new ones — Are you so tight you won't even spend three roubles?
  • See also:airtightskin-tight
  • PHRASE 处境困难;境况不好
    If you are ina tight corneror in atight spot, you are in a difficult situation.
    1. That puts the president in a tight spot if the vote is not a resounding 'yes'...
    2. They teach you to use your head to get out of a tight corner.
  • CONVENTION 好好睡一觉
    You can say 'sleep tight' to someone when they are going to bed as an affectionate way of saying that you hope they will sleep well.
    1. Good night, Davey. Sleep tight.
  • tokeep a tight rein on→ see:rein


  • It compares the highest density perfect distribution curves of the conventional powder tightest accumulation classical theory based on the fractal geometry denseness effect model of the cement multiplex material's powder group.
  • The labour market is the tightest it has been in years.
  • The algorithm provides a large solution seeking space for initial multicast tree and the tightest delay-variation bounded constraint for the result tree.
  • Through the use of the necessary and sufficient condition for the acceptable and internally stable of 2-D singular Roesser models and the singular value decomposition of matrices, the tightest upper bound for unstructured perturbations that will not cause system instability is provide.
  • Precision High Power Wirewound Resistor, Products of Advanced Electronic Material, Precision Computer Numerical Control Manufacturing, and Tightest Quality Control Process.
  • Xujiahe sandstone in west Sichuan of China which is not only the important gas reservoir and producing pay, but also the one of the most deeply buried and tightest clastic reservoir rock.
  • This is the tightest and most robust integration in the market between a visual modeling tool and a requirements management tool.
  • And since conditions are tightest in the peripheral economies, the ECB will have to buy their bonds disproportionately.
  • For many of us, the emotions holding the tightest grip on our hearts are disappointment, resentment, blame and anger.
  • The tolerance is assigned based on the different influence of each locator on workpiece surface feature, for multiple machining surface tolerances, the tightest tolerance is selected as the final tolerance for each locator.