

英 [ˌʌnˈvɔɪst]

美 [ˌʌnˈvɔɪst]

adj.  (想法)未用语言表达的,未说出的; 清音的; 不带声的




    • (想法)未用语言表达的,未说出的
      thought about but not expressed in words
      1. 清音的;不带声的
        produced without moving your vocal cords ; not voiced
        1. unvoiced consonants such as ‘p’ and ‘t’
          清辅音如 /p/ 和 /t/




      • The surface electromyogram ( SEMG) signal of six unvoiced Chinese vowels are detected from the skin surface of zygomaticus major and anterior belly of the digastric, with AR model coefficients, cepstral coefficients and MFCC coefficients of SEMG signal taken as the original eigenvector.
      • Because of complex and non-stational of speech, especially unvoiced speech has no clear time and frequency character, which is very similar to white noise, classic noise reduction method is unsatisfactory.
      • An unvoiced protest, doubt, suspicion.
      • Computer simulation results indicate that the unvoiced sounds of the enhancement speech with the proposed method are more obtained, whose quality and intelligibility both outperform those of the enhancement speech with DWT and the enhancement speech with WPD.
      • It is proposed in this paper that electromyography ( EMG) signal can be used in unvoiced speech recognition systems.
      • In this paper two relatively optimum features that can be used in isolating syllables in continuous Chinese speech have been generalized, through characteristics analysis of Chinese speech and the DFT spectral characteristics of various phonemes, especially the DFT distinction of voiced/ unvoiced sounds.
      • There are different characteristics in the relationship of wavelet transform coefficient and scale when the speech signal and the random noise are transformed on the different scale, and noisy sounds and unvoiced sounds are also characterized with different features.
      • But the unvoiced sound is more like a white noise signal, the voiced sound reflects the movement of the vocal tract and is a periodic signal, so more speaker information is contained in the voiced sound.
      • In the standard MELP algorithm the value of the relevant is small for the irregular cycles of the speech signal and we mistakenly believe that it is unvoiced. So it will introduce noise.
      • Discrete Wavelet Transformation ( DWT) is used to realize voiced/ unvoiced segmentation for Mandarin syllable. The algorithm is speaker independent and robust for different sample rate and background noise, which defines the proper scale of DWT adaptively.