英 [ˈzɪljənz]
美 [ˈzɪljənz]
n. 很大量
- NUM 极大的数目;庞大的数量
If you talk about azillionpeople or things, you are emphasizing that there is an extremely large number of them.- It's been a zillion years since I've seen her.
我已经有很多年没见过她了。 - You can also usezillionsas a quantifier.
- There are zillions of things to look at or try out.
- It's been a zillion years since I've seen her.
- Time and again in recent years, Wall Street banks have conjured up zillions of dollars with just the stroke of a few computer buttons – and then destroyed those numbers with equally dizzying speed.
近年来,华尔街银行往往只消击打几下电脑键盘,就能召集起数目庞大的资金&然后再以同样令人眼花缭乱的速度摧毁这些数字。这样的事情一次又一次上演。 - Microsoft wants to give C++ developers tools for writing parallel applications running on zillions of GPUs/ cores locally or in the cloud.
微软想给C++开发者提供工具,帮助他们写出能在数量巨大的本地GPU/核心上或者在云里运行的并行应用程序。 - The results is that a "reason" has been found for turning out zillions of packages of something that will "do" for nearly all and isn't even imagined to be superlatively good by a single soul.
其结果是得出一个“理由”,去生产出大量的包装食品。这些食品几乎所有的人都能“凑合着用”,但是不会有人认为它们是特别好的东西。 - Fans rely on this multi-level apparatus of findability to discover the works of worth out of the zillions produced.
粉丝们依靠这些多层次的发掘工具从无数作品中找到有价值的作品。 - Avoid the huge cattle call-type job fairs where zillions of employers have booths, yet no one is taking resumes.
不要去介入那种虽然有着复杂的店主摊位数量,可是没人收简历的年夜型招聘会。 - Look at a milky way through a telescope and you find that behind as it were all the stars we can see, are zillions more.
望远镜给我们带来的银河系只不过是沧海一粟,在它的背后隐藏着无穷无尽星体。 - Some gamers worry about the long-lasting game world just disappearing because of a financial crisis or hacker attack: the psychological problems, not to mention the loss of zillions of virtual dollars.
有些玩家则担心这个已运行了很长时间的游戏因为金融危机或者黑客攻击而走向终结:随之产生的心理问题,更不用提数额庞大的虚拟货币流失了。 - This point puts the lie to one of the sillier reactions from investors: that by leaving China, Google would needlessly forego zillions in future revenues from the world's biggest internet growth market.
这一点揭示了投资者一种愚蠢反应的错误所在:他们以为,谷歌离开中国,就等于告别全球增长最快的互联网市场,毫无必要地放弃这个市场将产生的天文数字般的收入。 - When he was a trader, he made zillions exploiting the failures of efficient market theories.
在他做交易员时,他利用有效市场理论的缺陷大赚特赚。 - This room, for example, into zillions of tiny little elements.